Steve- you are now with your beloved Linda again and for all eternity. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.
Lisa Feld
Grafton, WI
Posted: 6/6/2018
I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of Steve and his wife Linda. Steve was a top graduate student of mine at UWM. He was also a very good friend. Over time, I got to know many of his family and friends.
He got me interested in the hobby of amateur radio and caused me to learn Morse code. This was also the subject of his thesis, a method to automatically decode and display Morse.
Over the years we stayed in touch and sometimes communicated using amateur radio. His call sign was WA9VNJ. We lived somewhat close to each other and his big transmitted signal would usually over-power my little transmitter. But we joked about it. He always had a friendly "73" at the end of his message; this is goodbye in radio-speak.
I will truly miss Steve. He had a quick wit and nice personality. I will always cherish the many memories of him working in my lab at UWM and of all the interesting conversations we had together over the years.
He loved DX, the art of working radio stations from the far reaches of the world. Now I hope he is working some DX from heaven.
Sincerely and 73,
Dr. George R. Steber
Emeritus Professor UWM
Professor George R. Steber
Mequon, WI
Posted: 6/6/2018