30 November 2021
Our sincere condolences to son, Brian, and the family and friends of William Ochowicz. His fellow troopers of the 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia, salute our fallen brother and worthy hero. Bill served courageously with K Troop of the 3rd Squadron in 1966-67, and it was our privilege to have him in the ranks of the Legendary Blackhorse Regiment. Our loss is that of another brother down and we will continue to honor his memory at our gatherings and at our annual reunion. Bill was a Life Member and an exemplary soldier and had the utmost respect of the Blackhorse Troopers. His name will be listed on the roll of our honored dead and in our newsletter, Thunder Run and honored at our next Annual Reunion. But as our Burial Liturgy clearly states: “life has not ended, merely changed” and Bill’s soul continues on an endless path. As we were together then (in Vietnam), we will be together again in the life hereafter, comfortably enfolded in the loving arms of our Merciful Father.
Chaplain Blandin W. Karabinos, 11th ACVVC (Vietnam 71-72)
Blandin Karabinos
Posted: 11/30/2021
I, along with Dick Rose were good friends of Bill. We all served in Vietnam around the same time and came to know each other at Metcalfe's. We often went out to eat and talk about our time in Vietnam. He will be missed by both Dick and myself. We're so sorry for your loss. He was proud of his son Brian and often showed us pictures of him cutting trees and his property with deer. He also loved his new GMC truck and gave us a ride in it to go to lunch. I will remember him fondly.
Wayne Dettmann
Posted: 7/30/2020
Bill was a regular shopper here at Metcalfe's! I feel like I know the family well! He always spoke so highly of his grandsons!! He will be deeply missed! My heartfelt condolence to the entire family!
Mary Peter
Wauwatosa, WI
Posted: 7/29/2020