Dorothy Dentice
March 1, 1931 - December 7, 2020
Our thoughts and prayers to our wonderful family. We are so blessed. So thankful for the time spent over the last few years hearing the great stories from days gone by from both Auntie Dorothy and Sal. We love you Auntie Dorothy, Kim & Brian

Kim & Brian
Oak Creek, WI
Posted: 12/13/2020

My big sister “Dor”! ---
Never Dorothy always was “Dor” to me, I was always Joe, never David, to all my brothers and sisters. What great times we had from as far back as my memory takes me.
From going to the “Roller-Derby” at Wisconsin State Fair when I was only three or Four years old at the time. If I fell asleep at the “Roller-Derby” (I could fake it also) I would get a free ride home on either her shoulders or I believe on one my big Brothers Dick or Eddies.
The many trips for a day of swimming at the lagoon at Whitnall Park, allowing me to take a short cut to the beach area, to tip toe across the water fall dam at only three or four years. Today when I visit the dam, it seems like a “Puddle-Jump” back then it was like waking across Nigra Falls! ---
When I first got my driver’s license, we had good times doing donuts on the snowy roads at Greenfield Park, along snow skiing behind the car with a 50ft tow rope and modified water skies. Dor along with Dick and Eddie prevented me from ever having a traffic ticket in my life, why? – because every time I got pulled over for something the officer would say, is your sister “Dorothy Pavlock” (Pawlak), or, is Dick or Eddie your brother. And Wala, like magic, the police officer would say, take easy next-time and I’d be on my way. (Never ever received a ticket in my life) We had a close-knit family, life for me has been great, I have been fortunate to share a greater deal of days of sunshine in my life, then days of rain, how fortunate is that, I do know in my heart, Dor was blessed also with her “Plus Days of Sunshine” spent on this planet, being a Proud Sister, Parent, Grandparent and Great-Grandparent, the proof is what you see in her own superlative close family network! ---

We’ll all meet again! ---
"Love Ya Dor”
Brother Joe

David Pawlak
Oak Creek, WI
Posted: 12/10/2020

Our sympathy, thoughts and prayers to Sal and the family. Cousin Dorothy will be missed but the beautiful memories will live on forever.

Michael and Mary Pawlak
Waukesha, WI
Posted: 12/8/2020

My beautiful Sister In-Law!
Our daughter took after you, which was a blessing. Remember all the fun we all had together in our "hay days"... You can rest in peace now Dor, knowing you were deeply loved by all who knew you, beautiful lady!

Oak Creek, WI
Posted: 12/8/2020

Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers, I'll never forget Dorothy.

Jennifer Thurs
Eagle, WI
Posted: 12/8/2020