My beloved grandfather; I wish so dearly I could tell you once more how much I love you and how you’ve impacted my life; however, I do have comfort in knowing the bond we shared and I know deep down you always knew this anyway. The physical world no longer connects us, but we still share the same universe and always will. I wish only to leave positive words to you here, so I can only say, had anyone bothered to tell me you were taking this trip, you know I would have been among the first to the dock to wave farewell.
Wherever you are grandpa, never stop learning, I’m so happy you’re with grandma again, and I look forward to reuniting one day.
I love you dearly,
Brittany Swanson
Posted: 5/7/2021
Condolences and Love to the family. Roy was my brother-law and so I have know him all my life. I was a junior bridesmaid in Viv and Roy’s wedding. Roy was indeed a brilliant and wonderful man. He also had the most wonderful wife in this world, my sister, Vivian. He will be sadly missed! Blessings and Love to his two surviving children, Dana and Dyack!!
Bobbie Bruess
San Antonio, TX
Posted: 1/2/2021
Roy Arthur was the finest teacher I’ve experienced in any capacity. Professor Swanson’s inspiration, guidance, & friendship have helped guide me having met him in 1972 he has left indelible influences on every one he taught or and touched. There is a Mediaeval Latin word, “nutritor”, which best highlights and summarizes the many intangible gifts Roy shared with everyone whose life he touched. He is resting on what his beloved John Scotus Eriugena promised would be the reward of all living creatures: a return to The One to reside forever more “ on the Plantation of God,” no doubt that Feminine Divine he passionately decried. May he Rest In Peace.
Nick Poulos
Shorewood , WI
Posted: 12/27/2020
Did not know Roy well. He was my sister Bette's father in law. I met him at their wedding and what a lovely man. Wish I could have known him better. My love and prayers go out to the family.
mary brown
wisconsin dells, WI
Posted: 12/23/2020
As a childhood friend of Dana, I am so sorry for your loss. I have thought of you often and wondered how life is for you. I know this is a challenging time for you and all your family. Please reach out and send an email when you can. I will hold you in my thoughts during this difficult time.
Cindi Krueger-Wood
Durango, CO
Posted: 12/21/2020
Professor Swanson was a life-changer for me when I was at UW-Milwaukee. Rather than teaching a narrowly focused understanding of a topic, he focused on the connections a topic had with other aspects of the humanities and sciences. In that regard he was a shining example of a classical education. He left me with far more than an appreciation of literature; a theme in his classes was humanity's honor in progressing despite the tragedy of the human condition. (I think I remember him opening almost every semester with the myth of Sisyphus). While I'm not an academic, that is probably the greatest lesson Professor Swanson gave me: whenever I experience a personal or professional frustration, the proper human response is to learn from it, and keep progressing forward. To that end, my heart goes out to his family. Please know what an impact he had on all of us.
Chuck Schumacher
Milwaukee, WI
Posted: 12/21/2020
During my time at UW-Milwaukee, some 25 years ago, I became close friends with Father Michael Fountain, who introduced me to Professor Swanson. I was privileged to take many classes from both and was inspired to get degrees in Classics and Comp Lit as a result. Being in Professor Swanson’s presence was transcendent. Once you met him, he changed your life, left a little bit of himself inside your mind. There are many of us who love and adore him and share the feeling that he changed our lives. I am forever grateful to him for inspiring me to expand my thinking and understanding of the universe, especially to include spirituality where I previously had found none. Professor Swanson was a kind, lovable, intelligent, witty, clever, mischievous, inspiring man. He was an incredible teacher and mentor. He was one-of-a-kind. Michael and I used to joke that while he may not have been God himself, he was certainly at least his right-hand-man. God speed, Roy, as you strive up from under this mundane existence toward whatever comes next. Thank you for making my life better and helping me find some meaning. I’ll see you, when to stardust, we return.
Gene Anderson
Milwaukee, WI
Posted: 12/21/2020
Some 15 years ago I audited Professor Swanson’s course on existentialism on the recommendation of my late friend Father Mike Fountain, and at 85 I still recall with warmth the positive comments he returned with my bluebook quizzes. To feel my writing is understood and appreciated—that is the highest praise I can give a teacher. I just ordered Rain and Darkness and look forward to reading it!
Kay Augustine
Milwaukee , WI
Posted: 12/20/2020
We are so sorry for your loss. My mother, Muriel just passed away as well. I truly admired uncle Roy. He was so intelligent and humorous! His Christmas cards were works of art! It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other but we are with you in spirit and heartbroken to lose such an amazing man! Sincerely Tracy LaCroix ( Swanson)
Tracy Swanson LaCroix
Cottage Grove, MN
Posted: 12/20/2020