Jennifer, We remember Carolyn for the the warm welcome and fun times when we were new to the curling club. Our thoughts and sympathies are with you and your family.
Peg & RandyJacobsen
Cedarburg, WI
Posted: 8/26/2023
Caroline was such an icon. Her energy and sense of humor is unforgettable. We will always cherish the times at Lynx Lake , her bologna roll up’s and the 4th of July shenanigans. We will also always keep the “Ladies Luncheon “ close to our hearts.
Dawn Hentzen
Cedarburg , WI
Posted: 8/24/2023
One final PINCH for you, Mrs. Abraham!!! You were always so wonderful to me. I'll never ever forget that. Much love! Jeffrey
Jeff Griffith
Eden Prairie, MN
Posted: 8/22/2023