Steven T. "Steve" Raeber
May 20, 1954 - April 2, 2024
I haven’t seen Steve since high school but when I heard of his passing I just wanted to say my memories of him were as being a really nice guy! God Bless his family and friends in this time of grief!

Jim Goesch
Montrose , CO
Posted: 4/5/2024

I was honored to know Steve in two wonderful ways. We were fellow gymnasts at the Swiss Turners, along with my sister Jeanne. Mr. Raeber, our coach, was Steve and Jill’s dad. We were part of the Swiss gymnastics family and spent hours in the gym, went to yearly competitions in the Midwest, and put on countless tumbling and gymnastics exhibitions. We were teammates from age 10 to 18.
The second way in which I knew Steve came as a surprise in our later years. Kristin, Steve’s daughter met my son, Dan on Spring Break in Cancun, 2000. We didn’t put two and two together until later that summer Kristin told us her last name, and we realized that Steve was her dad, and Mr. Raeber, Coach Raeber, was her grandfather. Kristin and Dan have been together since.
Since Theo and Max were born, we’ve spent holidays together along with summer cookouts and picnics. Steve and Ann were “top of the list fans” in Little League, Coach Pitch, and U8 Stonemen. I think I may be second on the list, as we enjoyed watching many, many games in crazy, cold, hot, and rainy weather. Steve had many coaching hints throughout the games, always in a positive way.
I will miss him as a former teammate, parent to our awesome children, and most of all as a fellow grandparent cheering and supporting Theo and Max in the countless sports they will play.
You will be their guardian angel coach above, smiling as they hit those home runs and make those 3 pointers! Love you!

Sue Anderson Vielgut
Glendale, WI
Posted: 4/5/2024

Sorry for your loss! I worked with Steve at my dad’s heating and cooling company Wisconsin Heating. We were also friends at Brown Deer High school. Steve was one of the nicest guys I ever met. My you rest in peace my friend.

Dennis Dorn
West Bend, WI
Posted: 4/4/2024

Steve’s devotion to his family was unparalleled in the giving of his time and talent. We remember the Halloween vehicles he created for his grandkids to use for trick-or-treat.

It was fun to play sheepshead with him and to watch him get annoyed by those who played poorly. ;-)

But mostly we’ll remember how much he loved watching Max and Theo play baseball. He was into every pitch and at-bat. Great memories those boys will always cherish.

Gregg & Jeanne Dati
Brookfield, WI
Posted: 4/4/2024