Liebe Trauerfamilie,
liebe Elvir,
Wir möchten euch unser Beileid beim Tod eurer Marianne aussprechen. Möge die Erinnerung Kraft und Stärke bringen. Wir sind in Gedanken bei euch.
We are very sorry for your loss. With our deepest condolences.
Rolf und Monika Baltensperger, Schweiz
~ Switzerland,
Unsere liebe Nichte Marianne Berens vermissen wir sehr in der Schweiz. Ich habe meine grossse Familie in Amerika fünf mal besucht. Ich war immer grührt über Mariannes Liebe und ihren aufopferndes Wesen. Marianne wird mir mir in guter Erinnerung bleiben.
We miss our dear niece Marianne Berens very much in Switzerland. I visited my big family in America five times. I was always touched by Marianne's love and her self-sacrificing nature. I will remember Marianne fondly.
Mirjam Wirth, Guntalingen, Switzerland
~ Mirjam Wirth,
Guntalingen, Switzerland
Everyone will remember my sister Marianne for her generous spirit and her unselfish love and devotion to family. In times like this it’s hard to understand why bad things happen to such really good people. I struggle to make sense of it all. Maybe it’s because the exceptional ones here on earth earn their wings early and heaven just can’t wait. She was truly an angel. My heart goes out to Mike, Jason, Ashley, their families, Jeremy and our Mom. Love you Marianne! ?? ????
~ John Wirth,
Syracuse , NY
Marianne was the sweetest person I've ever met. I'm so saddened by her passing and send my deepest sympathy to my brother Mike and their kids and grandkids. We'll keep her always in our hearts.??
~ Sandy James ,
Milwaukee , WI