Laurel, I am so sorry for your loss and that I missed the visitation. It was great working with your mom over the past few years through Family Care. She was a strong lady and had a great stubborn streak that kept her going. She is in a wonderful place, in the arms of God.
~ JoAnne Burgardt,
Waukesha, WI
To Mom Hildebrand's family - What wonderful memories I have of her and Dad Hildebrand. As I read the obit I thought of how many connections we have. I too am a minister in Pastoral Care although just focusing on family right now. I too have been President of PEO and we met in Job's Daughters, (my daughter is now in Rainbow Girls as there was not Jobies when she started). I have also done Youth Group leading and Sunday School She was a terrific leader, I remember learning much from her as I started my Jobie career. I will keep your family in prayer as you send her body back to the earth, we are so blessed by the ways that this dear one gave to others over the course of her life. You are thought of fondly and for God worked through her hands and hearts for many years. What a blessing.
~ Rev. Wendy Sue Earle Kissa,
Gilroy, CA
I was a member of Bethel 9 and appreciated "Mom" Hildebrand! So sorry for you loss.
~ Peggy Carstens,
Sturgeon Bay, WI