Oswald, Joseph

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Our heartfelt condolences to you and family during this time of sorrow. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

~ Mike & Becky Marlin, New Berlin, WI

Lori - my heart is hurting for you and your family during this difficult time. May all the wonderful memories you share with each other of your wonderful father lift your spirits and fill the hole in your hearts made with his passing. KJ

~ KJ , Huntington Beach, CA

Sending my Love to all of you. Joe was like another Pop to me. Always welcoming me into your home (of course Mom too). I will surely miss him. Even though I cant make it up there, I'll be there in spirit. Love you all! R. I. P. Pop. Xo

~ Micki, West Palm Beach, FL

My love and prayers to all of you.

~ Aimee Taylor , Sunbury, OH