Cappon, Norbert F. "Norb"

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Dear Marion and family, please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved Norb. I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend his visitation but you were in my thoughts and prayers. Although we met only once or twice, I do remember we both have the Anna Balowska Kuszewska chin (our mutual Grandmother). You belonged to a club with my mother- and aunt-in-law, Ruth Jedrzejewski and Phyllis Mazalewski. I think you also shared some family pictures with me. Did you know Paul Kuszewski and his grocery store are in "A History of Poles in Milwaukee" written by Susan Mikos. I hope to meet you again or hear from you. Your cousin, Sybil

~ Sybil Grandeck, Hales Corners, WI

The passing of a father is hard - especially when he has filled your lives with joy. My prayers are with your family as your celebrate his life and adjust to life without him.

~ Robertson, Deb, Gig Harbor, WA