Ksicinski, Ray I.

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Dear Aunt Joan, I was sad to hear of Uncle Ray's passing. I look forward to your Christmas card each year and always tell myself to give you both a call and check-in. I still remember Uncle Ray checking up on me when I played football for one of his friends when I was just 9 years old back at Corpus Christi CYO :) I brought my daughter back to Milwaukee and showed her around the old haunts, even Jones Island and she always asked why we couldn't live there (It was May). I always enjoyed coming to see you back in the day. I realized that I have not been back since that trip on business and it was over30 years ago. Time flies. The picture of Uncle Ray does him great compliment and his huge smile is just as I remembered. I tried to call but got a disconnected number - I will try and call again or please send me your number at boldbj@fusd.net. Once again, my sincere condolences on his passing. I will keep you both in my prayers.


~ Brian J Bolda, Rancho Cucamonga, CA

My deepest sympathy and prayers are with you and your family.

~ Dolores Crowell, Germantown, WI

So sorry for your lost he will be greatly missed by all.

~ The Torgerson's, Mukwonago, WI