Tyacke, Marsha (nee Datka)

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May God bless you this time of lost. Many prayers for the family.

~ Katie Multhauf , Davenport, FL

My heart breaks for your family. So very sorry for your loss. Prayers for the family.

~ Tami, GURNEE

My heart bleeds. My prayers are with you all.

Pam Souders

~ Pamela Souders, Waukesha, WI

The whole family have our Deepest, Sincerest Sympathy. God Bless

~ Jeff and Dana Leideritz, Wind Lake, WI

I only met and talked with Marsha on a few occasions but she left such a positive impact. We discussed ethics and I learned so much from her. I send my thoughts and prayers to Marsha's children and husband. Marsha is now an angel and will always live in your hearts.

~ Pauline Maclean , Brookfield

Marsha, your Marquette family will miss you. You touched so many students.

~ Karen Robinson, Kenosha, WI