Zupko, Dr. Ronald E.

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Such a loss! Dr. Z was an outstanding teacher but also was a mentor and personal friend. He was one who would work you hard but if you understood what he was doing it was well worth the effort. I took every class he taught at Marquette and loved every minute of it. I especially will miss his famous "Rat Lecture" from the classes on the Black Death.

His knowledge and mastery of his subject material was first rate and he could challenge you to do and be more than you ever thought. He would take an interest in everything you did both in and outside the classroom and he was a great inspiration to his students and friends.

Rest in Peace Dr. Z. You will be missed. Like the best of things, as long as you are remembered, you will never truly be gone. God Bless you my friend!

~ Dan Rawers, Hinckley, IL