Wanek, Rose Marie

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We were so sorry to hear about your mom's passing.
Although we did not know her personally, the stories you shared with us told us that she was an awesome person. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Take care,
Mike and Lin Goskowsky

~ Lin & Mike Goskowsky, Hartland, WI

So sorry to hear about Rose. She was such a wonderful, caring person. I worked with her for a number of years at OMH and also the LAFC. She was always there to go over and above what was asked of her. She definitely has a special place in heaven. I am so sorry I won't be able to attend her funeral as I have a family reunion up north that week. My prayers will be with the family.

~ Donna Flaherty, Pewaukee, WI

So sorry. Rose was a wonderful nurse, leader of our Scarlet O’Hatters & friend. Worked with her at Oconomowoc Memorial Med/Surg floor for many years.
I am so sad I will miss her funeral as I will be in Door County. All my prayers for her family. AnnaMarie Filipiak, RN

~ Anna Filipiak, RN, Dousman, WI