Schilz, David W.

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Deb and family, please accept our condolences and deepest sympathy on the loss of Jethro. A huge void was left in the world. Hugs and prayers.

~ Rabbi and Kari, Ocala, FL

Dave RIP my friend. I will miss our great conversations and the enlightenment you provided. Steve

~ Steve Raatz, Milwaukee, WI

I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and so much love

~ Frances Stehr, Hartland, WI

With much love and sympathy for your loss. Dave was an awesome guy,and I really enjoyed talking to him. Rest in peace.

~ JEFF MASSE, Valdosta, GA

I am so very so for your loss Debbie. Dave was such a kind person and just a laid back kind of guy. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

~ Debi Matthews, Milwaukee , WI

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

~ Postal Deb, Butler, WI

This world became a little darker today, My Friend and Brother from the age of 10 has road off this Earth. His life brought much joy into many hearts. Dave was the the perfect example of, "Never judge a book by it's cover" Dave had one of those special hearts that poured out to those he loved and cared about, and maybe just maybe he poured every bit of it out that it just ran out of fuel. You were one of my Hero's from long ago, who never let me down, and a man who I had deep admiration for, I have to admit that there were times in our youth that I didn't think we would survive, we pushed life to the edge, yet we always came through. I was so Blessed to be asked to marry Deb & Dave, and the fact that their Love for each other lasted for 35 years, made my heart so happy for them both. Deb anchored Dave as I had a feeling she would, and Dave needed that missing ingredient in his life to keep him grounded. There are so many memories of our time together growing up, I can't tell you how much I have cried today, my greatest regret is that as we grew older our separate lives kept us from being as close as we once were, but I guess this happens to a lot of childhood friendships, but even as we didn't see each other every day like we used too I know the Brotherhood and Love we had for each other would never leave our hearts and minds. I will miss you more than ever now my Friend, and I Pray to the Father in Heaven that one day we will see each other again. I Love you man RIP.

~ Adam De Lap, Milwaukee, WI