So, Sad to here of the passing of Mr. Ciocarelli. He was a wonderful and funny man. We spent time with him at St. Catherine's and at the Swiss picnic. Sending all are love and prayers to the Ciocarelli family. Love from the Mickschl's.
~ Betsy MIckschl Longrie,
Glendale, WI
Pat,Mike sorry to hear of Rays passing.My condolences to you and your family. Fond memories tailgating at the Packer games.
~ Michael Adrian,
Milwaukee, WI
I'm so sorry to hear of Ray's passing. He was always fun to be with in choir at St. Cat's. My sympathy to your family.
~ Christine Schulthess,
Milwaukee, WI
Sending our thoughts and prayers to Pat and the entire Ciocarelli family. We have so many wonderful memories of Ray and special times we spent together. May God comfort you and sustain you during this time.
~ Tom Levinson & Joan Schneider,
Mike, so sorry to hear of Rays passing. My condolences to you and your family!
~ Mike Ackerman,
Oak Creek, WI
Mrs. Ciocarelli amd Mike. I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Ciocarelli. My sincerest condolences. I have so many fond memories of our families growing up. I will never forget the beauty of sitting behind him, my dad and Mr. Irwin on Sundays at St. Catherine's, listening to them sing. I am so happy for him to be with his 2 old friends again! I can only imagine the celebration they are having.
I will also never forget helping at the Swiss food booth at the Holiday Folk Fair. He put in so much time and I'm proud to have had the opportunity to be a small part of that. Sending prayers to both of you and your family.
~ Stephan Gross,
Oak Creek, WI
May he rest in peace. Ray I loved you and are truly missed.
~ Timothy stone,
Stockton, CA