Doerflinger, Dale R.

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My condolences, we had some good times working together at BF...Glad to hear you liked the Corvette...Zonker

~ Jeffrey Jablonski , Wisconsin Dell's , WI

My deepest condolences to Dale’s family. Not only did he service my business need’s will excellence, I considered him a friend and fellow class mate of the class of 1969 MF High.

~ Harvey Neu, Germantown, WI

Life will be different after Dale's passing. I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.

~ Donna Weller, Menomonee Falls, WI

Dale and I knew each other for a few years thru the Ozaukee Corvette Club.
I thought of dale as a close friend especially since he was one that always helped me with the car parades.