Persin, Judith F.

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To Judy’s family,
Though I wasn’t able to attend Judy’s funeral, I want you all to know How much I cherished her friendship. I was told my poem was read toward the end of her service and for that I am grateful. She was a shining light and will be greatly missed. My sympathies to you alll.
Pat Foldvary

~ Pat Foldvary, Wauwatosa, WI

To the faimily of Judy,
I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. I have been thinking of her a lot and I even left a message for her a while ago. Brings back many memories from the past. Judy and Tom were a great team. I would love to be there but I have moved onto a senior living place. My mobility is not the best and I don’t drive much only around here. I have a scooter that gets me around the complex. I will remember Judy fondly for all the wonderful things she did. Hugs to all of you. Sue, Brad and Greg
And I will vote!!!

~ Sue Groeschl, New Berlin, WI

So sorry for your loss Tom and family. Our moms are always close at heart. Memory eternal.

~ Katie Butterfield , Wauwatosa, WI

Judy you were a blessing to know and love. You will be missed more than words can express and will remain with me constantly.

~ Michelle, WI