Sharafinski, Shirley A.

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Hello Ralph and Family, I’m saddened to hear of Shirley’s passing. Although it has been years since we’ve been together, I have and will always have wonderful memories of our family gatherings(reunions, weddings, etc.).
I won’t be able to attend the funeral this weekend but, I will be thinking of you and praying with you. Take care. Love Bob Weisbrod

~ Bob and Marie Weisbrod and Family, Cottage Grove, MN

Dear Sharafinski Family,

We were very deeply saddened to hear of Mrs. Sharafinski's passing. We all knew her as a kind, wonderful, loving, and godly individual. She was a valued member of our parish and very much loved by everyone who knew her. Please be assured of our prayers for the repose of her soul and your family's consolation.

~ Tom + Maria La Fave + (Children), Racine, WI

We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your wife. We have been praying for you both every day and will re double our prayers for the repose of her soul and for you. Molly went into labor on the 8th and is still. She’s offering up her suffering for Shirely, you an d your family.

~ Charles and Molly La Fave, La Grange Highlands , IL

Dearest Ralph and Sharafinski family
Please accept my deepest sympathy in your great loss!
You are all in my prayers!
God bless you all!

~ Carol Grenier, Biddeford, ME

We will pray for the repose of her soul and consolation of your whole family.

~ Joe & Ashley La Fave, Sun Prairie, WI