Bergmann, Richard A. "Rick"

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I was saddened to learn of your husband's passing. A new angel is now in heaven
to watch out for you and your family.

~ Cindi Bakis, mukwonago, WI

Chris I was so sorry to hear about your husband. You will be in my sister Cindy and my prayers, through this very difficult time.
Your customer
Kathy Olver

~ Kathy Olver, Mukwonago, WI

Dear Chris & Family ~ my heart goes out to all of you. I hope you find comfort in knowing that I am praying for you at this time for God's strength as you go through this difficult time.

With Deepest Sympathy,
Jean Kostopoulos

~ Jean Kostopoulos, Elkhorn, WI

My deepest sympathy to Kiki and the family. I am truly at a loss for words. Rick was a great guy who will always be remembered for his quick wit and the ability to make us smile and laugh. I have lots of great memories of him from back in the day. He was an all around great guy and will be missed dearly. My love and prayers are with all of you during this difficult time. May God Bless!

~ Dawn Doberstein, Greendale, WI

Rick you will be sorely missed! I'll always remember the day you gave me my nick name after cleaning out Frank Bucks basement while eating our payment for said job! Pig Dog will miss you!!! God keep you till we all meet again!

~ Gary Beaudry, South Milwaukee, WI

Chris and family:
Deeply saddened by Rick's passing. Always loved his quirky sense of humor. He was a hard working, helpful man who always had a smile when you passed by him. Our hearts ache for you and all those whom he touched. He will most definitely be missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. No matter how long anyone knew him, they should count their blessings that they did. I know we do. God Bless
Rick and Nanci Danihlik

~ Rick & Nanci D, Elkhorn

Our two meetings left such a warm impression of Rick. He was a kind, gentle man who had a sly smile and a big heart!! Hugs to you Kiki and sending strength and love during this difficult time.
Kristin, JD, Destiny and Ezzera Raney

~ Kristin Raney, Broomfield, CO