Scholz, Nancy A.

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Nancy was a caring, loving, and beautiful lady. Her life consisted of many wonderful attributes--kindness, thoughtfulness, gentleness, patience, etc. Nancy walked in the footsteps of Our Lord and Savior. May she be resting in His loving arms. Sympathy to her children and family members.

~ Mary Mahlberg Beilke, New Holstein, WI

Jerry and I send our deepest sympathy to Elroy, Dave, and all the family. Growing up in New Holstein, we all knew the Mauer family, and it has been our fortune to be part of the Boars' Nest family together these many years. So your loss is ours, and we send our love and prayers to you all.

~ Kathy Larme Kidder, Gainesville, FL

Dear Mauer and Scholz Families, I was so sorry to hear of Nancy's passing. We were good friends in high school spending lots of fun times together. While I haven't been to all the reunions I did get to the one this past summer. Our group that ran around together were there and we got to do a lot of catching up. I am so glad I made the trip.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

~ Josilyn Snook Garner, Adrian, MI

A precious and caring friend. God gifted us on earth with an angel. Now, she is among the choir of angels that will be watching over her cherished children, family and friends. Truly a treasure of a friend that will be missed. God bless you Jen, Jeff and family with His unconditional love and strength today and always. I love you. Carla

~ Carla Pellin, Fox Point, WI